Ferry from Florø to Mjømna - Shcedules and Prices

Ferry from Florø to Mjømna - Shcedules and Prices

Ferry from Florø to Mjømna: Schedules, Prices, and More

Planning to travel to Norway’s western coast? Why not take a ferry between the towns of Florø and Mjømna? This ferry route offers an idyllic journey across some of Norway’s most beautiful fjords, providing great views and plenty of other attractions along the way.

For those planning to take the ferry from Florø to Mjømna, here is a guide to help you with the schedules, prices, and other important details.

Traveling by Ferry – What to Expect

The ferry route between Florø and Mjømna is serviced by Fjord1. They offer both passenger and car ferry services, depending on your needs.

When taking a ferry from Florø to Mjømna, you can expect a peaceful journey. The scenery along the route is breathtaking, offering views of the lush Norwegian countryside and sea. As you travel, you’ll pass by small villages and islands, helping to create a genuinely magical atmosphere aboard the ferry.

Schedules – How to Get to Mjømna Ferry Terminal

Fjord1 offers daily ferries from Florø to Mjømna, with departures available every morning and afternoon. The journey is usually completed in under two hours. For more detailed timetable information, visitors are encouraged to check out the official Fjord1 website or to contact the company directly.

For visitors traveling from Florø, the Mjømna Ferry Terminal is located just outside of the town center, at the end of the Fv303 highway. The terminal is open every day and provides both car and passenger boarding services.

Prices – Cost of Taking the Ferry from Florø to Mjømna

The cost of taking the ferry from Florø to Mjømna will depend on a few factors, including the number of passengers, whether you’re traveling with a car, and whether you’re a member of the Fjord1 customer loyalty program.

For passengers without a car, the cost ranges from approximately 90 – 110 NOK (price in GBP will vary). For passengers traveling with a car, the cost is 200 – 250 NOK.

Discounts – Taking Advantage of Special Offers

Fjord1 offers numerous special offers and discounts for those taking the ferry from Florø to Mjømna. Visitors are advised to check out the company’s website for detailed information on the current special offers and discounts.

Additionally, Fjord1 has a customer loyalty program that offers additional savings. To join this program, customers must register and become a member. Membership is completely free and offers exclusive discounts on ferry rides and other attractions around Norway.

What to See on the Journey

While traveling from Florø to Mjømna, visitors can look forward to a peaceful and enjoyable journey across some of Norway’s most beautiful fjords. Along the way, take in the views of the stunning natural landscapes, and make sure to stop in the small villages and attractions along the way.

The route will also take you past numerous small islands, including the famous Losna Island. This unique island offers unrivalled views of the Norwegian fjords and stunning natural beauty.

To sum up

The ferry from Florø to Mjømna offers a peaceful and enjoyable journey across some of Norway’s most beautiful fjords. Visitors can expect daily departures, with the journey usually completed in under two hours. Prices range from approximately 90 – 250 NOK per passenger, depending on if a car is included, and Fjord1 also offers numerous special offers and discounts that can be taken advantage of. Along the way, take in the views of the stunning Norwegian countryside and make sure to stop by some of the small villages and islands such as the famous Losna Island.