Ferry from Askvoll to Bergen - Shcedules and Prices

Ferry from Askvoll to Bergen - Shcedules and Prices

The Ultimate Guide to Taking the Ferry from Askvoll to Bergen – Schedules and Prices

Are you looking to visit the beautiful city of Bergen in Norway? If you’re looking for a convenient and cost-effective way to get there, the ferry from Askvoll to Bergen may be the perfect option for you. In this guide, we’ll be taking a closer look at the ferry schedules, prices, and other useful information that you need to know before you take the ferry from Askvoll to Bergen.

Before You Take the Ferry From Askvoll to Bergen – What You Need to Know

Before you take the ferry from Askvoll to Bergen, there are a few things that you should know. Firstly, you should be aware that the ferry only operates from April to October, so if you’re planning on traveling outside of that period, you’ll need to look for another form of transportation. Secondly, the ferry is operated by a private company and is subject to their schedule, so it’s important to plan your trip accordingly. Finally, it’s important to note that the ferry does not accept cash payments, so you’ll need to pay for your ticket in advance.

Ferry Schedules and Prices – What to Expect

The ferry from Askvoll to Bergen operates on a daily basis, with a single morning service departing at 8:30am and a single afternoon service departing at 3:30pm. The ferry journey takes approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes and costs 500 NOK for a single adult ticket (250 NOK for children). If you’re looking to travel with a group, there are group discounts available, with tickets costing 400 NOK per person for groups of 10 or more.

What to Expect on Board the Ferry

The ferry from Askvoll to Bergen is a modern vessel with all the amenities that you would expect, including a cafe/bar, a gift shop, and comfortable seating. The journey itself is quite scenic and you can expect to see some of Norway’s beautiful coastline during your travels.

Things to Do in Bergen

Bergen is a beautiful and vibrant city, and there are plenty of things to do during your visit. The city is famous for its stunning waterfront, with attractions such as the Fish Market, Bryggen (the old wharf area), and the Floibanen Funicular. There are also plenty of cultural attractions, including museums, galleries, and a number of historic churches.

The Takeaway – Planning Your Trip to Bergen

Taking the ferry from Askvoll to Bergen is a great way to travel to the beautiful city of Bergen. Now that you know the ferry schedules, prices, and what to expect on board and in Bergen, you’re all set to plan your trip. Whether you’re looking for a cultural experience, a scenic journey, or just a fun weekend away, the ferry from Askvoll to Bergen has it all.